21 August 2019

Daisy 5.88 released for all platforms

Daisy 5.88 has been released for all platforms

New 'K_factor' horizon parameter

The conductivity calculated by the hydraulic model is multiplied by this number. By default 1.

New "weather" program

This deducts the temperature climate parameters used by Daisy weather files from the data in a Daisy weather file. Example:

(run weather
(weather default "dk-taastrup.dwf")
(begin 1990 1 1 0)
(end 2000 1 1 0))


TAvarage: 8.19745 dgC
TAmplitude: 8.2344 dgC
MaxTDay: 205 yday

Note that if you have less than 10 years data, you should find the information from another source. 30 years data is traditional.

New "at" action

This action will perform another action at a specified date

(manager activity
(at 2017 3 20 (hour 8) (do (plowing)))
(at 2017 4 5 (hour 8) (do (sow "Spring Barley")))

It is different from
(manager activity
(wait (at 2017 3 20 8) (plowing))
(wait (at 2017 4 5 8)) (sow "Spring Barley"))

in that it will skip actions in the past, instead of waiting indefinitely. E.g. if you start the simulation the first of April

(time 2017 4 1 8)

the former will skip the plowing and sow the 5th of April, while the later will wait forever for the simulation to reach the 20 of March 2017

Support for converting DS to other models, e.g. BBCH

You define the conversion like this:

(defcstage "BBCH; Spring Barley" BBCH
;; Format: (DS BBCH message)
(table (0.00 9 "BBCH 09: Emergence")
(0.20 21 "BBCH 21: Beginning of tillering")
(0.42 30 "BBCH 30: Beginning of stem elongation")
(1.03 55 "BBCH 55: Middle of heading")
(1.23 65 "BBCH 65: Full flowering")
(2.00 89 "BBCH 89: Fully ripe")))

and apply it like this:

(sow ("Spring Barley" (CStage "BBCH; Spring Barley")))

This has three effects:

  1. During simulation, the messages of the table will be printed each
    time DS reached the specified value.
  2. The latest stage in the table will be reported in the last column in the "Crop" log. So in the example above it will stay at 9 until DS reach 0.20, then change to 21.
  3. You can use "crop_stage_after" instead of "crop_ds_after" in management, e.g.

(wait (crop_stage_after "Spring Barley" 89))
(harvest "Spring Barley")

The deafult 'cstage' model is just DS and will give a message at DS 0 (emergence), 1 (flowering), and 2 (ripe).