7 March 2016

Daisy version 5.23 released

The main features are:

  • Variable drain pipe outlet pressure for 2D simulations of drained soil, which we use for simulating the effects of changes in water level in streams.
  • The possibility to initialize soil potential and other soil vartiables using a PLF (piecewise linear function), rather than just layer by layer.


  • New functions to "collapse" 2D output into one or zero dimensions in the 'post-process' program.
  • All crop related logs in 'log.dai' now takes a 'crop' parameter, so you can log results for a single crop for multi-crop systems.

Caveat: The following changes are not backward compatible:

  • You must now specify the Soil 'border' parameter if you log intervals that does not corresponds to horizons. It used to be a warning.
  • Default slurry volatilization is now 0 % (down from 15 %). Specify 'volatilization' explicitly if needed.

Read more about the new features here.