Daisy 6.22 released on all platforms
2021.08.20 -
Newsletter no 26 is out
2021.07.01 -
Newsletter no 25 is out
2021.03.15 -
Daisy 6.09 released on all platforms
2021.03.11 -
Daisy lunch meeting on Wednesday Mar. 24th 12.15 and presentation on simulating fertigation in potatoes with Daisy
2021.03.10 -
Daisy lunch meeting on Wednesday Feb. 24th 12.15 and presentation of the new dynamic mulch layer implemented Daisy.
2021.02.01 -
Daisy lunch meeting on Wednesday Jan. 27th 12.15 and presentation on simulating the water and nitrogen balance in a tile-drained agricultural field
2021.01.22 -
Daisy bibliography updated
2021.01.21 -
COMMIT report on soil compaction simulations published
2021.01.21 -
Newsletter no 24 is out